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and this is where we came from...

RYDON is a network of people invested in creating opportunities to support Regional Young People to thrive. We believe in connection to facilitate opportunities and build capacity.


A little bit of history: The Regional Youth Development Officers Network kicked off back in 1987 when the Youth Development Officers from Newcastle, West Lake Macquarie, Singleton, Muswellbrook, Wyong and Gosford joined with the Community Programs Officer from the Department of Family and Community Services (FACS) and the Community Development Officer from the Hunter Drug Advisory Service to form RYDON.


The membership of RYDON has changed over the years depending on funding and interest and at times has included representatives from Youth Health and Education. We do not receive any funding but we have secured one off grants along the way. The network has been driven and sustained by passionate YDOs keen to keep the youth sector strong and connected


Over the years we have held many successful conferences, master classes, training, consultations and youth events, as well as an annual youth work awards called the RYSAs that celebrate sector workers, youth-friendly business, youth events and young people from the areas we represent.


Over the past year we have decided to expand the network to create a NSW regional network and to look to Youth Action for ways we could add strength to the focus on the regional space and for ongoing support as a regional project moving forward. We have now updated our Constitution and changed our name to the Regional Youth Development Opportunities Network, (still keeping that RYDON acronym) and welcomed in a couple of new members to help us with this expansion.

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RYDON Constitution


Lakin Agnew



Rebecca Kelly

Ordinary member

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Russell Ingram

Deputy Chairperson & Treasurer

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Esther Behsman


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Karen DeWit

Public Officer

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Sarah Berry

Ordinary Member

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Lana Masterson

Ordinary Member

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© 2021 by Regional Youth Development Opportunities Network. Proudly created with

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